Предлагаем Пшеницу оптом из России высокого качества и соответствующий высоким международным стандартам.
Условия доставки обсуждаются индивидуально и на выбор покупателя.
Мы предлагаем самостоятельно забрать товар с нашего склада или доставить к Вам на склад/порт. Оплата в российских рублях или национальной валюте, с НДС и без. Возможна отсрочка платежа, предоплата 50% при больших объемах. Уточнять цену на день заказа.
Выбор всегда за Вами.
Мы готовы обсудить детали по видеосвязи онлайн в удобное для Вас время.
Основные наши товары из России: Пшеница, Рис, Сахар, Мука, Подсолнечное масло.
Дополнительно можем продвигать ваш товар на Российском Рынке, мы открыты к сотрудничеству 24/7. Также с большим удовольствием сделаем для Вас аналитическую справку по вашему товару и выходу на Российский рынок маркетплейсов.
We offer sunflower oil wholesale from Russia of high quality and corresponding to high international standards.
The terms of delivery are discussed individually and at the buyer's choice.
We offer to pick up the goods from our warehouse on our own or deliver them to your warehouse/port. Payment in Russian rubles or national currency, with and without VAT. Possible deferred payment, prepayment of 50% for large volumes. Specify the price on the day of the order.
The choice is always yours.
We are ready to discuss the details via video online at a convenient time for you.
Our main products from Russia are Wheat, Rice, Sugar, Flour, Sunflower oil.
Additionally, we can promote your product on the Russian Market, we are open to cooperation 24/7. We will also be very happy to provide you with an analytical report on your product and entry into the Russian marketplace market.
We offer Wheat wholesale from Russia of high quality and corresponding to high international standards.
The terms of delivery are discussed individually and at the buyer's choice.
We offer to pick up the goods from our warehouse on our own or deliver them to your warehouse/port. Payment in Russian rubles or national currency, with and without VAT. Possible deferred payment, prepayment of 50% for large volumes. Specify the price on the day of the order.
The choice is always yours.
We are ready to discuss the details via video online at a convenient time for you.
Our main products from Russia are Wheat, Rice, Sugar, Flour, Sunflower oil.
Additionally, we can promote your product on the Russian Market, we are open to cooperation 24/7. We will also be very happy to provide you with an analytical report on your product and entry into the Russian marketplace market.
We offer sunflower oil wholesale from Russia of high quality and corresponding to high international standards.
The terms of delivery are discussed individually and at the buyer's choice.
We offer to pick up the goods from our warehouse on our own or deliver them to your warehouse/port. Payment in Russian rubles or national currency, with and without VAT. Possible deferred payment, prepayment of 50% for large volumes. Specify the price on the day of the order.
The choice is always yours.
We are ready to discuss the details via video online at a convenient time for you.
Our main products from Russia are Wheat, Rice, Sugar, Flour, Sunflower oil.
Additionally, we can promote your product on the Russian Market, we are open to cooperation 24/7. We will also be very happy to provide you with an analytical report on your product and entry into the Russian marketplace market.
Показать контакты
- Никогда не отправляйте предоплату!
- Старайтесь встречаться лично с продавцом для покупки товара.
- Не отправляйте деньги, пока не получили товар или услугу.
- Если Вы нашли странные ошибки в словах или явно низкую цену, лучше сторониться таких объявлений.
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