Adrian Mikhalchishin GM — All Chess Courses Cheap

Астана | Добавлено: 8 апреля 2023, номер: 947742

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM — All Chess Courses Cheap, 1 тг

Астана | 8 апреля 2023, Chess Courses, номер: 947742, просмотры: 25
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Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - 1e4 e5 - An active repertoire for Black
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Arkhangelsk
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Bishop Against Knight in 60 Min
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Critical moments in chess in 60 min
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Decision Making in Chess
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Fighting the Grunfeld with g3 in 60 min
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Modern trend — The strategical opening exchange sacrifice in 60 min
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Pawns structures you should know
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Play the King's Indian Defence with g3 in 60 minutes
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Power of Planning and Majority
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Strategy University Vol.1 - The Central Approach
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Strategy University Vol.2 - Prevention and Preparation
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Strategy University Vol.3 - Pawn Sacrifice
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Strategy University Vol.4 - The Technique Of Realising The Win
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Strategy University Vol.5 - Winning of Great Players
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - The Beliavsky Plan Against the Stonewall Dutch
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - The King in the center in 60min
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - The Power of Exchange
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - The Secret Weapons of the ChampionsAdrian Mikhalchishin GM - Winning Structures
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - 1e4 e5 - An active repertoire for Black
For young and developing players a very important piece of advice is to study open positions and to understand the value of coordination of the pieces plus the role of the center. These goals can be achieved just by answering 1.e4 with 1…e5.
Some players claim that these positions are not sharp and interesting enough, and they believe that different Sicilians should be one’s choice, but that is not completely correct. The idea of this DVD is to show that 1.e4 e5 can be extremely entertaining and that Black can obtain interesting counterplay in every opening. There are two lines proposed in the Spanish systems plus the most active alternatives against other white choices.
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Decision Making in Chess
The theory of the critical moment in the chess game was explained once by GM Iosif Dorfman. He suggested that every game has 5 or 6 “forks” at which the important decisions are made.
Accordingly, all major erroneous decisions are made at these moments when there are multiple possible choices. Adrian Mikhalchishin describes different critical moments in detail and explains how to react correctly.
Understanding the play at such a critical moment is the key to improving one’s results and a general understanding of chess.
Critical moments are characterized by the presence of between 2 and 4 different possibilities. The exchange of pieces, the calculation of a long variation, a positional solution, or transposition into an endgame.
Adrian Mikhalchishin also shows how to perform correctly in the above situations.
Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - The Secret Weapons of the Champions
Modern middlegame theory does not exist in written form. That is why players and trainers have to go back to the old recommendation by Nimzowitsch – to study typical positional
But who is better placed to teach us about their own powerful weapons than the great champions of the past? So the key to understanding the middlegame lies in understanding how to execute certain positional maneuvers.
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Adrian Mikhalchishin GM — All Chess Courses Cheap в Астане - Объявление № 947742 - Цена: 1 тг